Sam Blonger's Obituaries. |

Denver Post, Feb. 19, 1914
Came West in 1858 and Was Prominent in Mining Ventures.
The funeral of Samuel H. Blonger, pioneer mining man, took place at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the family residence at 1125 Clarkson Street. Mr. Blonger died Sunday of hardening of the spine. He had not been well for the six or eight years. Mr. Blonger was born in Swanton,
Va., in 1839 and went from there to Hastings, Minn. He left Hastings in 1858 with an ox team and crossed the plains and mountains to Sacramento, Cal. In 1860 and 1861 he was engaged in "freighting" and in driving a stage coach over the mountains between Sacramento and Austin, Nev.
In 1865 he went to Illinois, going East by way of the Isthmus of Panama. In 1870 he came to Colorado and then went to Salt Lake City, where he had an excursion steamer on the lake for two years. He spent considerable time after that in Virginia City and in the mining camps of Colorado in the boom days. In 1882 he was
marshal of Albuquerque, N.M. Two years prior to that he ran for mayor of Leadville, but was beaten by W.H. James. Since 1882 he has lived in Denver and operated mining ventures in Cripple
Creek and other places. He was part owner of the Forest Green mine in Cripple
Creek. He leaves a widow and one brother, Lou H. Blonger.
NOTE: There are couple of obvious errors in this obituary. Swanton,
Sam's birthplace, is in Vermont, and the name of his mine was the Forest Queen.

Denver Times, Feb. 16, 1914
Samuel H. Blonger, Well Known Sporting Man, Dies in Denver
Samuel H. Blonger, one of the best-known sporting men in the West, and a
resident of Denver for thirty-five years, is dead at his home, 1125 Clarkson
street. Blonger came to Denver in the earliest boom days. Blonger, who was 76
years old, is survived by a widow and a brother, Lou Blonger, who is also
well-known in sporting cricles in every part of Colorado. Sam Blonger, as he was
known to his friends, had an acquaintance that stretched from British Columbia
to Mexico, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific coasts. He had been a central
figure in every new mining district in the United States. Several years ago
Blonger was active in politics.

Albuquerque Morning Journal, Feb. 19, 1914
Former Marshal of Albuquerque Dies In Denver
(By Morning Journal Special Leased Wire)
Denver, Feb. 19.The funeral of Samuel H. Blonger, pioneer mining man, took place here today.
In 1882 he was marshal of Albuquerque, N. M. Two years prior he was defeated for mayor. Since 1882 he has been in Denver. He leaves a widow and one brother.
Samuel H. Blonger is well remembered by the older residents of Albuquerque as a prominent and influential citizen of the earlier days when the city and renewed old acquaintances.
The story from Denver is in error in stating that Mr. Blonger was defeated for mayor of Albuquerque in 1880. At that time Albuquerque had not been organized as a city, and was not until 1885, or three years after Mr. Blonger left here that Henry M. Jaffa, the first mayor, was elected and a city government organized. Mr. Blonger held his commission as town marshal by virtue of an appointment from the board of county commissioners of Bernalillo county.

Estrella (Las Cruces, N.M.), Feb. 20, 1914
Samuel H. Blonger, uno de los más notables hombres de sport del oeste, y residente de Denver por más de treinta y cinco años, murió en su casa en Denver.
That is:
Samuel H. Blonger, one of the most remarkable men of sport in the west, and a resident of Denver for more than thirty-five years, died at his home in Denver.