Soapy Smith & The Blonger Bros. |
By 1895, Jefferson "Soapy" Smith's Denver organization was losing ground to the Blonger Bros. and their allies in the courts, the police force, and city hall. The story of Smith's assault on John Hughes seems to signal the beginning of the end.

Silverton Standard, March 5, 1892
"Change clothes for Creede," was the salutation which greeted our ears as the train left Wagon Wheel Gap. The passengers did not exactly change clothes, but many were seen to place their scarf-pins out of sight, run their watch-chains through the arm-hole of their vests and make other preparations for defense against the disciples of "Soapy" Smith whom they expected to meet at the depot. In a few minutes the train stopped at Jimtown and the passengers were not disappointed. The platform was lined with bunco steerers who worked most industriously and with apparent good results. In the near neighborhood wheels of fortune and the nut shell game attracted considerable attention and some money.
As the resources from the mines would never support a town of 500 people, we had to look elsewhere and have concluded it must be the suckers, and the sight of "Soapy" Smith and his 150 disciples only confirmed our opinion. For the more wealthy suckers, the land board gave a little side show and sold them, for the small sum of $225,000 some 700 lots which in the spring can only be reached by boat.
As a show, Creede is a success, and if you avoid "Soapy" Smith, it is well worth the price of admission. It has grown up like a mushroom in the night.


At the table, that's Jack Devine, Mike Ryan, Soapy, Billy Griffith, Ed Chase, (unnamed behind Chase), Bill Evans, Dave Kelly, A.M. Stevenson, Bill Hamill, Joe Smith.
Rocky Mounain News, October 11, 1892
Ed Chase, Mike Ryan, Jack Devine, Soapy Smith, Run Boodle Hall
Life Long Republicans Challenged by One of the Gang Before Being Admitted.
Penitentiary Birds and Indicted Toughs Tell George Cook How to Conduct the Helm-Coe Canvass.
The old executive committee at Boodle hall has been relieved of many of its duties by a new executive committee composed of Policy Shop Ed Chase, Supersedeas Mike Ryan, Indicted Jack Devine and Soapy Smith. W. G. Evans is chairman of both committees, and they work very nicely in harmony with Stovy, Hamill, Coe and the other brace-game proprietors. George Cook thinks he is running the county committee, but that is all a mistake. Bless you, George can't see anybody till the visitor is approved by the Chase executive committee. Several times during the last week life long Republicans thought they would go up to headquarters, as they always did in former campaigns, and have a chat with their old friend George. Did they get in to see him? Hardly.
At the top of the elevator they were stopped by one of the heeler gang and their business was gruffly demanded. When they mildly expostulated they were told that the tough addressing them was the only channel by which even a card could reach the inner holies. One night, at least, Mike Ryan officiated as censor over Cook's visitors and a man he insulted is now doing missionary work for the silver men. He has lived in Colorado for twenty years, owns a lot of property and has always been a Republican, but he says that when it comes to sending his card to the county chairman through penitentiary birds he would rather be excused. It appears that cards destined for Cook are scrutinized by four persons. The Visitor, it seems, must not only be a Republican but a ward heeler or ex-convict before he can reach the chairman. None others may pass the executive committee.
Mike Ryan is not in Canon City at this moment because he was released on a supersedeas issued out of the supreme court while J. C. Helm occupied a seat in that tribunal. His case is still before that court and it may be that his activity grows out of gratitude, which has been defined as a profound sense of favors to come. Ryan was sent to the penitentiary for the Adam Hjorth case, in which he sold an alleged interest in a saloon to a farmer who was drugged, for over $5,500.
He has been mixed up with innumerable scrapes in which figured men who have to pose as toughs, and though he was said to be making an effort to reform the peculiar exigencies which confront him will interfere with immediate redemption. The police board refuses to let him have a saloon license until he demonstrates the possession of a livelier faith than he is credited with. The Hyorth case was only one of a large number of similar transactions with which his name was coupled, and he beats some smaller man once in a while for fun.
On Larimer street, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth, the Blongers, in patnership with Soapy Smith, are running a brace game of faro where pigeons are openly plucked. To operate this place, they took a license, not from the police board, but from Ed Chase. This individual permits no "brace," otherwise swindling gambling house, to run in Denver without paying him a percentage of the profits. He claims to be, and is in fact, the king of the lower stratum of society. Bunco men, mock auctions and shell game men are made to pay him tribute.
The truth is as perfectly well known as it is that cable cars run on Larimer street. Ample proof may be produced at any moment. Chase is now a confidant and co-worker with the combine in Boodle hall. Joseph H. Smith, ex-county clerk, is a member of the combine and has the promise that Helm, if elected govenor, will appoint him president of the police board. Where wld [sic] Chase come in? Chief of police, perhaps. Imagine Policy Shop Chase of the Colorado lottery, chief of police.
The combine announces that it will run this campaign on boodle, bluster and bulldozing, with the aid of Ryan, Devine, Chase, Soapy et al. without regard to the wishes of the better part of the county committee expressed at the meeting on Saturday night. When the committee is not setting the executive officers run the machine, and they propose to do it. The meeting, by the way, was not called by Chairman Cook. Dave Kelly and Chase wouldn't let him, and they are the rulers. The committee called itself together.

Rocky Mounain News, October 18, 1892
Disreputable Adherents of the Harrison-Coe Combine.
Silence of the Victims Through Fear of the Gang Carrying Threats of Closing Into Execution.
The gamblers are now being held up by the boodle combine, which is running the Harrison campaign to the disgust of all decent people. The levy made on each of the larger houses is $500. Several of these have been paid. The money will be used, of course, to secure an honest and fair count.
The executive committee at its meeting last Saturday, of which an illustration was published Sunday's NEWS, received reports from the subcommittees appointed to blackmail the gamblers, to bulldoze the saloonkeepers by the issuance of capiases, to pack the boarding houses with fraudulent voters, to consider the falsification of returns, to arrange with county clerks for the throwing out of silver tickets, to crowd the court house with heelers and boosters for the prevention of honest registration, to hire thugs and repeaters for use at the polls, to supply slanders and falsehoods to the goldbug organs, and upon the other detals of the great moral movement supervised by Ed Chase, A. M. Stevenson, Bill Hamill, Willy Griffith, Soapy Smith, Willy Evans, Joe Smith, Jack Devine, "Robber Seventh" Eddy and the rest of them.
The committee on gambling houses reported that Banigan had paid $500, and had paid it in hard, yellow gold.
It reported that Gavin had paid $500. Mr. Gavin is one of the proprietors of the house over Murphy's exchange recently closed, and is the man who bought the exchange the other day. He is a well known Leadville sport, and it is well known that he will refuse to let the tough hired by the combine hang around the exchange.
The bosses are willing to accept that slap in the face, but they insisted upon the $500, or the gambling house would not be permitted to do business. Mr. Gavin is learning, at considerable cost, how the machine is operated in Arapahoe county.
With regard to Jeff Argyle, who runs quite extensive rooms, the committee reported that he had been compelled to pay $500, but had demanded a stipulation that the charge of assault to murder, now standing against him, should not be pressed. It will be remembered that the police arrested Argyle last Tuesday night in the rooms over Murphy's, for attempting to shoot Cady, the shell man, and that it was this affray which led to the second shooting down stairs when Cliff Sparks was killed and Cady and Soapy Smith were arrested.
Cady is still in jail, while Smith is out out [sic] on $100,000 bail provided by Ed Chase, an honored member of the combine, of which Joe Smith, who is to be appointed chief of police by Helm, is also a member.
Soapy Smith is interested in the gambling house at 1744 Larimer street, but it does not appear that he was assessed. His services are no doubt considered much more valuable than the $500 drawn from the "square game" men.
Nice combination all around, isn't it?

Rocky Mounain News, November 20, 1892
Cliff Sparks' Slayer
J. B. Jordan, accused of klling Cliff Sparks, was admitted to bail in the West side court. Seven thousand five hudred dollar was the sum named and Mart H. Watrous and S. H. Blonger were accepted as sureties.

Rocky Mounain News, November 30, 1892
Thomas Cady, who was mixed up in the killing of Cliff Sparks, was released on $7,500 bond, with Mart Watrous and S. H. Blonger sureties.

Silverton Standard, November 26, 1892
A thousand burdened burros filled
The narrow, winding, wriggling trail.
A hundred settlers came to build,
Each day, new houses in the vale.
A hundred gamblers came to feed
On these same settlersthis was Creede.
Slanting Annie, Gambler Joe,
And Robert Ford; old Olio
Or Soapy Smith, as he was known
Run games peculiarly their own,
And everything was open wide
And men drank absinthe on the side.
And now the Faro Bank is closed,
And Mr. Faro's gone away
To seek new fields, it is supposed,
Most verdant fields. The gamblers say
The man who worked the shell and ball
Has gone back to the capitol.
The winter winds blow bleak and chill
The quaking, quivering aspen waves
About the summit of the hill
Above the unrecorded graves.
Where balt, abandoned burros feed
And coyotes calland this is Creede.
Lone graves! whose headboards bear no name
Whose silent owners lived like brutes.
And died as doggedly, but game;
And most of them died in their boots.
We mind among the unwrit names
The man who murdered Jesse James.
We saw him murdered, saw him fall,
And saw his mad assassin gloat
Above him; heard his moans and all
And saw the shot holes in his throat.
And men moved on and gave no heed
To life or deathand this is Creede.
Slanting Annie, Gambler Joe,
And Missouri Bob are sleeping there,
But Slippery, sly old Olio,
Who seems to shun the golden stair,
Has turned his time to loftier tricks
He's doing Denver politics.

Rocky Mountain News, April 22, 1895
Latest Achievement Attributed to Soapy Smith
Forced His Way Into a Room Where Goulding Was.
And the Chief Found Himself Thrown in a Corner.
Tom Sewall, the Chief's Companion, Badly Battered Over the Head.
Usual Sunday Row Furnished by the Chief of the Police Department.
The sensational actions of Jeff Smith and his brother, Bascom, Saturday night brought into prominence the actions of certain members of the police force in a somewhat scandalous light. According to the stories whispered among the men at the police station, the whole affair started in a Market street house run by Jennie Rogers. Chief Goulding and two well known saloonkeepers were in a room. The two Smiths came into the house and inquired for certain frequenters of the house. The inquiry was met with the information that the persons in question could not be seen. At this the Smiths became enraged and started for the room where Goulding and his friends were closeted. After a few knocks with the butt of a revolver the door was cautiously opened and the Smiths forced their way into the room. Tom Sewall and the chief of police jumped to their feet and started to eject the intruders.
Guns Were Used.
Just what happened then is hard to explain, but in a very short space of time the chief was on the floor in
the corner of the room and Sewall was staggering to a chair, the blood flowing from a number of severe wounds on the top of his head where one of the Smiths had hit him with a gun. The actions of the third man in the room are not explained by the inmates, but it is believed that he escaped through a window.
The racket inside the house, added to the screams of the women, drew a big crowd to the sidewalk. Among them were two patrolmen, one of them being Officer Alexander, it is said. Just as the officers decided upon entering the house the chief and two Smiths appeared and walked away as though nothing had happened to disturb the peace of the neighborhood. The
officers, seeing their chief with the two men, saluted and awaited orders, but none were issued, the party continuing rapidly down Market street.
Looking for the Smiths.
Just how the chief managed to square the matter inside the house is a secret, but after taking the men to Eighteenth and Larimer he left them. Sewall,
whose head was badly damaged, was taken to the police surgeon's office by a friend. Here he met Captain George Duggan and anxiously inquired whether the two Smiths were under arrest. He was told that they were not.
"Why didn't Goulding bring them in?" asked Sewall in surprise.
The captain assured him that the chief had not yet arrived. Still Sewall was not satisfied and demanded that he be allowed to look into the chief's private office. This privilege was granted and a search was even made under the chief's big desk, but no Smiths were found. Sewall hinted to the captain and Sergeant Jones, who had just come in, that he had been injured by "Soapy" Smith, and that the chief was mixed up in the affair. He said, sarcastically, that he wanted to bail Smith out, and afterward told the officials that in case any inquiry was made they should say that the wounds were caused by a cable car accident.
Would Kill Smith on Sight.
Quietly, however, it is said, he told Captain Duggan that he would kill Smith on sight and his actions seemed to warrant the threat.
While this was going on at the city hall, however, the two Smiths were not idle. Officer Kimmel met the chief and Detective Connors with them at Nineteenth and Larimer. From here he followed them down to Eighteenth, thinking that in case the Smiths gave any trouble he would be on hand to help. After Goulding and Connors left the Smiths the latter went into Blonger's place on Larimer near Seventeenth. Here they said they were looking for trouble, and became quite noisy. Officer Kimmel went into the place and told the Smiths that the noise must stop at once or there would be two arrests. This settled the Smiths to some extent, and they retired from the place, muttering maudlin apologies to the officer. They next stopped at the Arcade. Here they had a quarrel with John Hughes and Charlie Lorge, battering them both over the heads with their revolvers. Hughes received one cut over the nose that will probably mark him for life, while Lorge is said to have had serious injuries inflicted on his head. Just after this little fracas Officer Kimmel went into the place and asked what was up. He was assured that nothing was wrong, and left.
Afraid for His Life.
The bartender afterward explained that he was afraid to tell while the Smiths were in because he thought Smith would kill the "whole works." Kimmel afterwards learned of the affair, and started out to find the Smiths, but they had disappeared. He called up the station, however, for instructions, and Sergeant Jones at once went to the officer's beat and gave the necessary orders.
Just before daylight Chief Goulding came into the station and asked Captain Duggan whether any of the reporters had "caught on" to the affair. On being assured that
The News had the facts, the chief at once made up his mind to leave the city. He stated to the captain that he was going to Canon City to "visit the penitentiary," and did not know how long he would be absent. This was the last seen of the chief of the force, and it is presumed that he took the first train out of the city, fearing to stay to meet the scorn of the people who depend on him for protection from the very persons he was associated with when the unfortunate affair occured.
Owing to the misrepresentations of the persons who gave out the news at the police station Sunday morning,
The News stated yesterday that the affair had taken place at the Side Line saloon, and when the true facts were ascertained, it was too late for correction. The connection of the two men who were with Goulding in the room at the bagnio with the proprietorship of the Side Line saloon was sufficient to justify the belief in the story that the affair had occured at that place.

Denver Times, April 22, 1895
Pretext for Throwing Mud at Chief of Police Goulding, Who Was in Jennie Rogers' Place on Market Street on City Business Bascom Smith Arrested, Also the Elder Brother True Facts of the Case.
Jefferson R. and Bascom Smith went upon a wild rampage on Saturday night and advantage was taken of this event to throw mud upon Chief of Police Goulding and other police officials.
Shortly after midnight Chief Goulding and Detective John Connors went down upon Market street to see if the new police regulations for the government of the resorts were being properly observed. The police had just received a telegram from Inspector J. D. Sheehan, of Chicago, in regard to the record in the Windy City of a girl named Donna Dare, who is now an inmate of Jennie Rogers' restore, 2005 Market street. The chief, in pursuit of his duty, went into this house, and, as he was standing in the hall making inquiries of Miss Rogers, he heard noises produced by a scuffle in one of the parlors, and in the next moment Tom Sewall appeared, followed by Jeff Smith and Bascom Smith, who had their guns drawn. The chief at once stopped the fight, and as Tom Sewall would not agree to prosecute the warlike Smiths for assaulting him the chief had to allow the belligerent brothers to depart, Jeff Smith promising to go home at once.
These are the facts upon which the sensation of a morning paper was based. Jeff Smith made an attempt to strike at the chief, who was in 2005 Market street performing duties for which he draws a salary from the people.
The fight on Market street seemed to arouse the fighting blood in the veins of the two Smiths, and instead of doing as they promised to they proceeded to terrorize Larimer street. In Lew Blonger's saloon, 1644 Larimer street, they attempted to pick a fight with some gamblers, but Officer Kimmel heard the loud talking and entered the saloon and ordered the Smiths out. Next they went into the big Arcade saloon, and there they made an attack on Charlie Lord and struck him over the head. John Hughes interfered and tried to make peace. Bascom Smith then made an unprovoked attack upon him, and struck him with his gun, cutting his nose. Officer Kimmel heard of the row, but when he appeared the row was over and he was assured that nothing had happened. The bartender afterward explained that he was afraid to give the Smiths away, as he greatly valued his head.
Bascom Smith was arrested this morning by Officer Kimmel on a warrant sworn out in Justice Howze's court by John J. Hughes. Jeff Smith was also arrested for assaulting Charlie Lord. The charge is assault to kill.

Denver Evening Post, April 23, 1895
The Smith Brothers Run Amuck Through the City.
Hughes, the Gambler, Tom Sewall and Several Other Men Come in Contact With the Butt End of the Guns of the Smiths Warrants Sworn Out for Their Arrests Chief Goulding's Part in the Affair.
Jefferson Runnymeade Smith and his brother Bascom started out on a drunken spree Saturday evening and made a desperate effort to get even for all of their injured feelings for the past year, by beating up the heads and lacerating the features of their enemies.
On Market Street, in the resort of Jennie Rogers, they encountered Tom Sewall and made short work of the Sixteenth street saloonkeeper. Tom was knocked to the carpeted floor by a stunning blow straight from Jefferson's shoulder. He struggled to his feet and in the effort Jeff's devoted brother delivered a second punch that for a moment dazed Tom and sent him toppling against the wall. The noise of the scrap aroused the house and frightened females in scanty attire were soon running frantic through the building.
Their appeals to the three combatants did not tend to shorten hostilities for with the Smith family's second blow Tom braced himself against the satin embossed wall and reached for his gun.
This belligerent effort called for immediate action on the part of Jefferson and little brother Bascom, and in an instant their guns flashed in the air and descended with considerable force on Tom's cranium. A second blow from Jefferson's 45 sent Tom sprawling to the floor with the blood spurting from a deep gash over his left eye and two long scalp wounds.
The appearance of the life-giving fluid sent a thrill of horror through the congregated females, who viewed the encounter from a safe distance on the stairway, and two of them were soon in the throes of hysterics.
The victim of the assault lay bleeding on the floor and Jenny Rogers, the mistress of the notorious bagnio, rushed to his side and put an end to the murderous assault. She ordered the Smith family to leave her house, which they did without further ceremony. Chief Goulding and Detective Connors arrived at the Rogers resort a short time after the assault. The chief was making a tour of the "row" and all night saloons and went into the Rogers resort to deliver a telegram he had received in Chicago in regard to one of the inmates of Miss Rogers' resort. The telegram was as follows:
Chief Goulding:
Donna Dare is O.K.; her reputation for honesty is very good. JOHN O'SHEA.
The above telegram was in answer to a telegram sent to Chicago at the request of Miss Rogers, who suspected the woman was not what she purported to be. The chief called to deliver the telegram, and was not present, as was reported, when the trouble between Smith and Sewall occurred. Chief Goulding and the detectives, on learning of the affair, started out in search of the murderous pair. They found them about 1:30 o'clock on Sunday morning, but not soon enough to prevent them beating up two other citizens.
After leaving the Rogers house Jefferson and his brother went to the Casa Bianca saloon and then down Larimer street to the saloon of the Blonger brothers. Here they attempted to create a disturbance, but were persuaded to desist by Officer Kimmel. They left the Blonger saloon and then crossed the street to the opposite side to the Arcade.
In the Arcade they found that they could no longer suppress their liquor-crazed brains and after taking a fresh wad of "fire water," started after "Sheeney" Clarkey [Charley is probably meant here], the barkeeper. He was no match for the pair, and relinquished all efforts to defend himself, when he was knocked to the floor by Jeff's big 45.
Johnny Hughes, one of the proprietors of the saloon, happened in about this time and attempted to quiet Jeff, who was still on the rampage and searching for gore.
Jefferson resented Hughes' interference and turned upon him like a demon. Swish, bang, and the wealthy gambler lay bleeding on the tile floor with three dangerous wounds on his head. Satisfied with their evening's bloody labors Jefferson and Bascom left the saloon and started down Larimer street towards Sixteenth.
Near the corner of Sixteenth and Larimer streets, Chief Goulding and Detective Connors appeared on the scene and placed the pair under arrest.
At the corner of Fifteenth and Larimer Office Kimmel put in an appearance and told his chief that none of the assaulted men would swear out a warrant for either of the Smith's arrest and both prisoners were released and promised to go home.
This morning John Hughes changed his mind and swore out warrants for both Jefferson and Bascom's arrest on the charge of assault to kill.
At noon to-day Bascom was arrested at 1928 Market street by Officer Kimmel.
John Hughes to-day at his home, 3236 Arapahoe street, was in serious condition. The outer table of the skull is fractured and he has a jagged cut across the forehead between the eyes, and the bridge of his nose is fractured. Hughes' condition is critical on account of the serious wound in the head and is confined to his bed.
Hughes this morning gave the following account of Saturday night's trouble:
"Jeff and his brother came into the Arcade for a drink on Saturday evening and were soon engaged in a heated discussion with "Sheeney" Charley. I was in the dining room reading the paper and the loud talking disturbed me and I came out into the barroom.
"Jeff was accusing Charley of being a cheap stud dealer when I interrupted him and asked him to be quiet. My remarks appeared to anger him and he started to call me named and ended with accusing me of being nothing but a cheap waiter and "hasher." I then ordered him to leave the saloon and he and his brother went at me with their guns. They clubbed me across the head and face until friends separated us. I was unarmed or Smith would not have escaped as he did.
"I have sworn out warrants for their arrest and will prosecute them to the full extent of the law."
Dr. H. H. Martin dressed Mr. Hughes' and "Sheeney" Charley's wounds a short time after the assault.
Dr. Martin entertains strong hope for Mr. Hughes' recovery, but considers the wounds extremely serious. "Sheeney" Charley has a deep, jagged gash on the left side of his skull, but it is not considered serious.
Tom Sewall's wounds were dressed by Police Surgeon Mack.

Rocky Mountain News, April 23, 1895
Chief Goulding Complains of the Sheriff.
Explanation of the Sunday Morning Disturbance and Why There Were No Arrests at the Time All the Bad Men of Denver are Deputy Sheriffs Who Carry Guns, Says the Chief of Police.
Chief of Police Goulding said yesterday: "On Saturday night I went out as is my custom, in company with an officer I never go alone to visit various downtown places and see for myself how they are running. After visiting Wisch's and some other places, I said to Detective Connors, who was with me, 'I'll go over to Jennie Rogers', as I want to see her on some business.' I had telegraphed for her to Chicago about a girl, and I wanted to tell her that the girl was all right and could stay. When I went into the house I entered a parlor to the side of the door and was in no other room. In a little while I heard a row and came out. I was told that Jeff Smith had beaten Sewall over the head with a gun. I did not see Smith, nor did I have any trouble with him. I said to Connors: 'We'd better pinch these fellows.' We went out to look for them and found them in the Casablanca saloon on Larimer street. I started for the city hall with them and got as far as Fifteenth street on Larimer, when Sewall and friends overtook us in a carriage and called out that there was no use taking them any further, as Sewall would not prosecute. I then released them. I had not then heard of the Hughes affair. As soon as I heard of it afterwards I had warrants sworn out and Smith was arrested. He was released by the justice on $500 bonds. I asked the district attorney to have the bonds increased."
No Case Against Them.
The chief was asked why he did not take the prisoners to the station, especially in a case of this kind, when the facts were almost of his own personal knowledge. "We had no case against them," he replied. "If they were arrested and the case fell through it would only make them uglier and harder to deal with, and they are hard enough now."
The chief went on to outline his position. He said: "I am completely opposed to men of this kind. I do not believe that Soapy has been doing any business lately, and he will not be allowed to do so. I propose to run all confidence men, thugs and vagrants out of town. There is no man who would be more pleased than I if Smith had to leave the city. If he should ever try to hit me with a gun he had better hit hard the first time. I am handicapped with a small force, but we are doing as well as possible. As an example, I send men in plain clothes on Fifteenth and other streets to catch the women. The court has held that the officer must be actually approached, so it is hard to get testimony, but Fifteenth street is in better shape than it was a few months ago. My policy is to drive all these women to the 'row' and to keep them there under proper restrictions. I tell them that if a man wants to spend his money there all right, but if I hear of him being robbed they must look out. The other morning I sent officers to lower Seventeenth street to catch the steerers who have been laying for the passengers on the early Santa Fe train, and we got seven of them. I want to say positively that there is no gambling going on in the regular gambling rooms. We have put an end to the begging of men in the residence quarters by vagging every one caught at it. There is no more of that going on."
The Toughest Customers.
The chief spoke of his troubles and referred particularly to a crowd which he says hangs around Arnett's saloon on Eighteenth street. Said he: "One of the worst things that we must contend with is that every bad man in the city seems to have the commission of a deputy sheriff, and thus to be entitled to carry a gun. This causes us a great deal of trouble." The chief said that he would especially show no mercy to those men who live off the earnings of women. He denounced the pool rooms, but remarked that City Attorney Williams had not yet given his opinion on their legality. Altogether, the chief declared that his administration had been productive of results with which he is well satisfied.