Sam was described as a big man with a fiery temper. This article describes in graphic detail what had only been insinuated before.

Albuquerque Evening Citizen, May 8, 1893
His Wife in Denver Seeks Divorce for Cruelty.
Samuel H. Blonger, who in the early days of Albuquerque, was marshal of the city and had a wife here at that time, appears to be in hot water with his Denver wife, as the following extract from the Republican would indicate.
Attorney Edward Ring, in behalf of Sadie J. Blonger, began suit yesterday afternoon in the county court for divorce from Samuel H. Blonger.
The complaint charges a system of extreme cruelty toward his wife practiced by Blonger for the past three years. They were married October 30, 1889, in Denver, and she charges that on February 10, 1890, while they were residing at 1524 Lawrence street, her husband, who is a powerful man, weighing two hundred pounds, without provocation assaulted her, and so inhumanly maltreated her that she was under the care of a physician until the following April.
Again, in January, 1891, while living at 1744 Larimer street, she charges that he came home at 3 o'clock in the morning in an "advanced state of intoxication." She was in bed at the time, and she declares that he seized her by the hair, dragged her from her bed and kicked and beat her into a state of insensibility.
Assaults of an equally brutal character are charged against the defendant in March, October, May, and June, 1892.
She states that after the assault in 1892 she left him and began a suit for divorce, but, upon his earnest professions of reformation and promises to treat her kindly in the future, she dismissed the suit and returned to him. They continued to live together at 835 Eighteenth street until April 30, 1893, and on that evening, while entertaining a party of friends and in their presence, she charges that in a fit of rage, without any provocation, he committed an inhuman and brutal assault upon her, striking her down and leaving her in a maimed and disfigured condition, so much so that she is still under the care of a physician. After this assault she left him finally.
Mrs. Blonger alleges that her husband is possessed of property to the amount of about $15,000, and that his income averages $300 a month and that she has no means of support, her health being so impaired that she is unable to earn a livelihood. She asks for a divorce, an allowance from her husband's property for support, alimony pending the suit, attorney's fees and an injunction restraining the defendant from disposing of his property or incumbering it until the determination of the cause.
Judge Burns granted a temporary injunction as prayed for.

Sam wasted no time after his divorce from second wife Sadie -- also known as prostitute Kate "Kitty" Blonger -- immediately promising himself to Jesse Wheat, then reneging and marrying Virginia Pierrepont two months later.
Albuquerque Evening Citizen, Dec. 29, 1893
She sues Samuel H. Blonger to Recover $25,000 Damages.
Jesse Wheat has been jilted and she is not happy. Samuel H. Blonger is the man who she says disappointed her, and she thinks the anguish of mind that she has suffered by his cruel action is worth just $25,000. She has sued Mr. Blonger in the district court to recover this amount. In her complaint she alleged that the defendant on Aug. 1 last promised to marry her and that he renewed his promise at various times since then. Recently, however, his manner changed and he refused to marry her. Blonger's first wife obtained a divorce from him on the grounds of extreme cruelty some time ago.
The above is from the Denver Times. Mr. Blonger was marshal of Albuquerque in the early days. While here Sam was regarded as a very pleasant gentleman but bad associates in Denver no doubt ruined him.