The Blonger Brothers Ride. |
In 1882, Sam and Lou served together as lawmen in New Albuquerque.

Albuquerque Morning Journal, February 4, 1882
Marshal Blonger received a dispatch from Col. H. L. Taylor of Winslow, ordering him to arrest E. L. Moise. The marshal found his man at the depot about to leave for El Paso and took him in custody. Moise has been employed as clerk in Col. Taylor's store at Winslow, and stole a large amount of goods and brought them to this city. He had shipped them to El Paso by express on last night's train. The goods were ordered sent back to this city by telegram.

Albuquerque Morning Journal, February 16, 1882
The marshal has declared himself, and the vags must go. The fact of the matter is this town isn't large enough to hold so many of that class of people.
Burns Bounced.
Ed Burns, the notorious hold-up, was escorted to the train last night by Marshal Blonger, and sent on his way south with instructions never to show his theiving mug within the city again. Burns is a dangerous man to any community, but there are others in this town to-day who are equally bad and should be made to travel. Marshal Blonger told a reporter last night that he intended making his rounds to-day to gather the poll tax, and that all men that he could find without any visible means of support, would be compelled to go to work or leave town. We know of a number of individuals who belong to this class, and if the marshal has any trouble in finding just who they are, we will not hesitate to publish their names, as they are known here. The vags, for they are nothing else, must go.

Albuquerque Morning Journal, February 17, 1882
True to his word Marshal Blonger commenced warning the vags out of town, and there are now three less in the city than at this time yesterday.

Albuquerque Morning Journal, February 28, 1882
C. C. Davis, a Telegraph Operator, Commits Suicide at Isleta Sunday.
Marshal Blonger received the following letter on his return from Bernallilo, Sunday. It was written Saturday and it was doubtless the expectation of the writer that it would be received on the day it was written. Had it been received at that time it would doubtless have been the means of saving a life:
Marshal Blonger: DEAR SIRToday's train brings you a man by the name of Davis, an operator, who is slightly off his cabase. He tried to suicide here last night. Davis is a tall, fair complexioned man, about 35, with an unusually long, light mustache. Please look out for him. I think that if he could be taken care of that he would be all O. K. in a few days. Too much whisky is doubtless the cause of his trouble. Very Respectfully,
Deputy Sheriff of Coolidge.
The man Davis arrived in the city Saturday night and went to the Maden house. He sat down in the office and remained there nearly the entire night, as if in a stupor, saying nothing to anyone. In the morning he took the emigrant train bound south. Arriving at Isleta he was put off, and entering the station, he drew his revolver and shot himself, inflicting a wound which may cause his death. A telegram addressed to W. H. Patton, was received in this city immediately after the suicide announcing the fact, and asking Mr. Patton to inform Davis' brother of the occurrence. As Mr. Patton is not in the city the news did not reach the ears of the brother of the unfortunate man, as no one appeared to know who he was.
The chain gang is being largely reinforced by new town bums, no less than seven of these worthies having been added to the list during the past few days.
A fellow who refused to give his name, was given ten days work on the chain gang by Judge Sullivan yesterday. His love of whisky secured him the position.

Albuquerque Evening Review, March 7, 1882
Two horse thieves who stole two horses from Bernalillo yesterday, loped through town to-day. Marshal Blonger and his brother recognized them at once and gave chase but the thieves were too fast for the law and escaped.

Albuquerque Morning Journal, March 8, 1882
Marshal Blonger now has rooms above Mrs. Holdaway's grocery.
Marshal Blonger had a chase yesterday after the horse thieves mentioned by our Bernillilo correspondent, but without success.

Albuquerque Evening Review, March 8, 1882
Marshal Blonger has his office now over the Grocery store of Mrs. M. Holdaway
Santiago Baca received two car loads of Budweiser beer to-day, and has made arrangements to receive a car load every week.

Albuquerque Morning Journal, March 9, 1882
An Unknown Man Cuts Andrew Schultz's Throat Yesterday.
Andy Schultz, a blacksmith, who has recently been engaged in thumping music out of a piano in one of the houses of ill-fame on Railroad avenue for the amusement of the guests and inmates of the place, boozed up yesterday. In the afternoon, while in the Ben Ton saloon, a man called him outside, and as soon as he reached the street struck at him with a knife, inflicting a cut in his throat, and ran away. Schultz re-entered the saloon, and with the assistance of one or two men went to Pinger & Co.'s drug store and had his wounds dressed by a physician. On examination, it was found that there was a horrible gash across the throat and several small cuts about the face. He bled profusely, but the cut was not deep enough to be dangerous. Schultz says that he had never before seen the man who attacked him, that he had no quarrel with him and did not know what his motive could be.
Marshal Blonger arrested a man shortly after the occurence on suspicion. He had a razor stained with blood on his person and expressed great fear that he would be lynched. He refused to give his name. He almost admitted that he was the man who did the cutting, but there is no proof against him as Schultz was doubtless too much intoxicated to identify him.

Albuquerque Evening Review, March 10, 1882
Marshal Blonger received a telegram this morning from Marshal Moore, of Lamy, to arrest C. King, of whom a description was given. The offence was not stated. King had left Lamy on the emigrant which reached and passed Albuquerque before the telegram came into Blonger's hands.

Albuquerque Evening Review, March 13, 1882
One of the fine bay horses Scott Moore drives to his coach, was owned by Billy The Kid, and cost the latter $250

Albuquerque Evening Review, March 16, 1882
Dennis McGuire, the brick and stone contractor, one of the many who when they are sober are very good and when they are drunk [a few words apparently not typeset] looked at the bottom of a glass too often last night and tackled Judge Sullivan in the White House with a curse and a blow. He received in return a tap from the baton of Marhsal Blonger over the head that speedily reduced his bump of bellicoseness. He hasn't yet sobered up, however.

Albuquerque Evening Review, March 22, 1882
Marshal Blonger escorted two holdups to the train last night with instructions to get as far from Albuquerque as possible.
The east end dance hall was closed yesterday by Marshall Blonger the proprietors not being willing to pay the license. One of them, however, lost $21 last night playing pool.
Marshal Blonger's office, in Connors and Wainey's building, was fitted up this morning with a telephone, Price Lane having come back again from Socorro.

Albuquerque Morning Journal, March 23, 1882
Marshal Blonger yesterday continued in the good work he has commenced by requesting five of the hold-ups to take the first train out of town. They went, and those that didn't ride, walked.

Albuquerque Morning Journal, March 28, 1882
Tom Ashton yesterday raised a subscription of $43.50 for "Three Mule Pete," who is now lying in a precarious condition, in old town. It will be remembered that he was kicked in a brutal manner by a third-rate gambler in the White House last week.
A party of roughs rose up on their muscle at the dance hall last night and started up a general row. Marshal Blonger and his assistant, Murphy, entered into the fight and after a short battle placed the men under control and placed them safely in the jail in old town. There were four of them and they were pretty hard citizens. They will receive a trial in Sullivan's court to-day.
The JOURNAL is in receipt of a copy of the life of "Billy, the Kid," written by Pat Garrett. It is neatly printed and graphically written and is deserving of a large sale. It is valuable as a matter of history.

Albuquerque Evening Review, March 30, 1882
Marshal Blonger this morning sent two vags out of the city. They promised to go out on the A. & P. road and there earn an honest living.

Albuquerque Morning Journal, May 4, 1882
Marshal Sam Blonger, during his recent trip to Denver, negotiated the sale of the Star mines for $120,000. The purchasers are expected to arrive Saturday next.

Albuquerque Morning Journal, May 12, 1882
Dr. Easterday yesterday reported a case of small pox in a box car below the depot. The patient is a boy recently arrived from Tombstone,
A.T. [Arizona Territory] Marshal Blonger started around with subscription to raise funds for medical attendance, etc. It is hoped that our citizens will respond liberally to this charitable call, for should the case be left where it is a terrible epidemic might grow out of it. It is to be regretted that there has been no provision made for treatment of small pox cases, but it is not too late yet to take steps in this matter.

Albuquerque Morning Journal, May 14, 1882
Yesterday afternoon Marshal Sam Blonger arrested two men on suspicion that they are the parties who broke into Blain Brothers store last Thursday. They are confined in jail and will be tried on Monday.

Albuquerque Morning Journal, May 18, 1882
How the Renowned Desperado was Gobbled by the Marshal Yesterday.
About noon yesterday a report came to our ever-alert city marshal, S. H. Blonger, that the redoubtable Frank James, elder brother of Jesse, the late lamented, had made a raid upon the house of Madame Volante, and with a forty-five caliber pistol of latest improved pattern, actually forced the well known proprietress to give up her jewels - all this in broad day light. The daring Frank fled after accomplishing his object, and was seen to enter the Armijo House. Upon telephone information the marshal followed the desperado hot on the trail. The description was accurate enough for all necessary purposes. A man was found quietly seated on the pedestal erected to the uses of the gentleman who gives polish to the pedal adornments of the guests of the famous hostelry.
Our marshal said, "Have you a gun." "Yes, in my valise up stairs." Here a star of the first magnitude was displayed and a search being instituted, a lead pencil, a poker "chip" and a medal bearing the legend, "Good for one drink - Reese and Loebner." Various friends, including Tom Park, Charley Armijo, Colonel Hawley and Governor Sheldon came to rescue of Mr. James and with the circumlocution of a habeas corpus established conclusively the fact that the supposed Mr. James was no other than Al Hood of Las Vegas, of the San Miguel national bank and of the telephone company of New Mexico. The marshal promptly sat up the drinks, and Al leaves to-day for Chihuahua.
The actual culprit (maybe Frank James) was subsequently found trying to swim the Rio Grande two miles west of town.

Las Vegas Optic, May 19, 1882
He is Mistaken for Frank James in Albuquerque.
Our town man, A. G. Hood, of the San Miguel national bank, had an experience in Albuquerque the other day that he will not soon forget. Several days ago he packed his grip and boarded the south-bound train for the purpose of establishing a telephone exchange in Chihuahua, Mexico. Meeting a number of old acquaintances in Albuquerque, Al. concluded to spend a day in renewing former friendships, but hardly had he deposited his baggage at the Armijo before rumor began to float around that the notorious Frank James, brother of Jesse James, was in town. Crowds collected in the saloons and on the street corners to discuss the matter and devise some means of capturing the famous outlaw without unnecessary loss of life, for all were familiar with the desperate character of the meek-looking stranger. The report spread, as only such rumors can, and in an inconceivable space of time the sheriff of the county with his deputies, and the city marshal with about fifty solid citizens, all armed with Winchesters and shot guns, surrounded the Armijo house where the supposed bandit was stopping and demanded his surrender. Scott Moore by this time appeared on the scene, and, being told by the sheriff that he was entertaining the most bloodthirsty of living outlaws, fled to the old town and has not been seen since. After consuming almost an hour in demanding that Fran come out and give himself up, without avail, the marshal, backed by twelve picked men, boldly entered the hotel office with level guns.
The clerk stood behind the counter, shivering and speechless, but the hunted fugitive was not to be seen. Cautiously advancing, a break for the saloon was made, and there, all unconscious of the excitement he had created, stood Al. alias Frank leaning upon the bar quietly sipping lemon and sugar. "Throw up your hands!" thundered the marshal, and instantly twenty cocked guns were pointed at his head. The command was obeyed and as strong hands seized him Hood thought his time had come. A thorough search into his pockets, boots and hat brought forth only a jack-knife and a cork screw and then it dawned upon the victorious marshal that possibly he was mistaken. Hood protested against such treatment, asking what he had done and when told that he had been arrested for Frank James, it is said that he swooned and fell into Johnny Campbell's arms. Explanations followed, Hood's identity was established, the marshal and the posse looked disappointed and chagrined, and Scott Moore's bar had the biggest day of the season.

Albuquerque Morning Journal, May 27, 1882
That extra, useless word "New" will be dropped from the name of Albuquerque July 1st.