Some days were more exciting than others.

Albuquerque Morning Journal, April 2, 1882
A Man Named Jones Attempts to Blow Marshal Blonger's Head Off with a Shot Gun.
This morning about half-past one o'clock a man named Jones, who is in the employ of Wells-Fargo's express company in this city, was in Zeiger's saloon quarrelling and flourishing his revolver about in a dangerous way. The man was drunk, and Marshal Blonger, who came into the saloon about that time, took the revolver away from him. Jones is a man of family and Marshal Blonger therefore took him out of the saloon and started him on his way to his home, which is in the Highland addition. The marshal left him when they got near the railroad track, and just after Jones moved on toward his house he turned toward Blonger and said, "I will have my revenge upon you," or words to that effect. Marshal Blonger paid but little attention to this, considering it only the remark of a drunken man, and returned to Zeiger's. He had been there but a few minutes when he saw Jones come into the room with a shot gun in his hands. The marshal concluded at once that the man was going to shoot him, and so, stooping down, he ran toward him and, catching the gun by the barrel, threw it up out of range of himself. Just as he did this the gun was discharged, and the charge passed over his head and lodged into the wall of the club room, near the upper southwest corner of the saloon. The marshal then arrested Jones and took him to the lockup.

Albuquerque Evening Review, April 3, 1882
An Attempt at Murder Frustrated by a Nervy Officer.
At about one o'clock Sunday morning, Charley Jones, an employe of the Wells Fargo company, who was in the Metropolitan drinking considerably, became very disorderly and was taken in charge by marshal Blonger, who, knowing his orderly conduct when sober and respectable reputation in general, took the six-shooter from him and started to take him to his home in the Highland addition. At the depot the marshal left him enjoining upon him to go home. Jones, of whom a demon seems to have taken possession, hurled an opprobrious epithet at him, shouting, "I'll be revenged upon you," and then started home. Blonger returned to the Metropolitan, where, a few minutes later, he saw Jones with a double-barrelled shotgun, cocked, approaching him. Watching him closely Blonger waited until he had approached within a few feet when he leaped at him, striking up the weapon. An explosion followed and the whole load of buckshot struck the partition between the saloon and the club room, tearing a hole in it. Blonger secured Jones after a struggle, and he with M. J. Murphy, who had in the meantime become involved in a struggle with Deputy Sheriff Murphy, was lodged in jail for the night. Yesterday they were bailed out, Jones for $500 and Murphy $250. Their trial was to have come off this morning, but a continuance of the case until Wednesday was secured.
Marshal Blonger's conduct Saturday night proved that he is a brave man and no wanton killer. Had he shot Jones, he would have been promptly acquitted.
Blonger is a good one. It takes nerve to jump straight at a cocked shot gun
loaded with buckshot. Dallas Studenmire or Joe Eaton would have shot Jones.
NOTE: Remember what was about to happen to the previous marshal... Two words: Necktie party.

Albuquerque Morning Journal, April 6, 1882
Murphy and Jones, who were arrested for the attempt to shoot
Marshal Blonger, were each fined $50, which they have paid.

Albuquerque Evening Review, April 6, 1882
The Journal makes a mistake in this morning's account of the
release of Jones and Murphy from their bonds. Jones was fined $50 for the
offence with which he was charged, but Murphy was released without fine. The
latter makes a damaging statement concerning the officers by whom he was
arrested, to the effect that while he was in their custody he was relieved of
nearly $20, by whom he does not know.