Sam disarms a distraught victim.

Albuquerque Morning Journal, February 19, 1882
J. M. Dedrick Absconds with Nine Hundred Dollars
J. M. Dedrick, who has the contract for the mason work on W. B. Childers' brick store, on Gold avenue, is missing. Nine hundred dollars are also missing Friday afternoon. Dedrick called on Whitcom & Medler, the chief contractors on the work, and drew nine hundred dollars, with which to pay for brick and labor. He paid a woman, whom he owed, one hundred dollars, but did not pay either the brick men or the laborers. It is reported that he was seen in the Railroad Palace saloon early yesterday morning, since which time no trace of him can be found.
There are various surmises as to the cause of the man's absence. Some think that he has maliciously and willfully stolen the money entrusted to him, while the fact that he paid off some of his debts places him in a more favorable light. Others think that he has been waylaid and robbed. The truth of the matter, without doubt, is that he started out with the intention of settling honestly, and using the money for the purpose for which it was intended, that he commenced drinking and had soon expended a considerable sum of it before realizing what he had done. Then finding that he had committed himself, he decided to steal the entire amount.
He owned a team of horses, however, etc., for which an attachment was taken out by Whitcomb & Medler, yesterday. While Marshal Blonger was taking charge of the property, J. M. Kinneman put in an appearance and claimed that he had a chattel mortgage on the horses. He threatened to shoot the marshal if he persisted in taking possession of the property. The marshal arrested him and lodged him in the cooler. He was released after giving bail in the sum of fifty dollars, to appear before Judge Sullivan tomorrow.
No one excepting Whitcomb & Medler will lose anything by the absconding of Dedrick. All workmen will be paid in full as soon as they can prove up their claims. Dedrick may show up again, but the chances are slim, and unless he is apprehended by officers of the law, the contractors will be compelled to stand the entire loss. The firm is a sound one, and their loss will not affect their business.
Genealogy - History - Gang - Posse - Evening Review
The Grafters Club - Blonger Bros. Fake Restaurant
Copyright Notice: Original material copyright 2003-2021 Scott Johnson and Craig Johnson. Other copyrights may apply to materials found herein. Our primary goal is to reintroduce the Blonger Bros. to the lexicon of the Wild West. We therefore encourage the use of our research, provided due credit is given.