Descendants of Simon Peter Belonger and Judith Kennedy |
Blonger Brother or Sister |
Children |
Grandchildren |
Living Descendants |
Simon R. Blonger |
Laura Helen Blonger (McLean) |
probably none |
no known living descendants |
Elizabeth Blonger |
probably none |
Emma J. Blonger (Sandhofer) |
probably none |
Samuel R. Blonger |
none |
Fred L. Blonger |
none |
Mary Catherine Blonger |
none |
Julia Belonger
(Revoir) |
Myra Revoir |
none |
many living relatives |
Wilfred Rivers |
Paul Rivers |
Marguerite Rivers |
Norma Rivers (Tetkoski) |
Charles Rivers |
Leona Rivers |
Ellen Revoir (Griffith) |
none |
Alfred Rivers |
Pansy Rivers (Morrison) (Athey) |
Frank Rivers |
Hazel Rivers (Gilmartin) |
Alfred Rivers |
Otis Rivers |
Julia Rivers (Reid) |
Cyril Rivers |
May Revoir (Ethier) (Bartlett) |
Charles Ethier |
Ellsworth Bartlett |
Emma Revoir |
none |
Eli Revoir |
none |
Edward Rivers |
none |
Louis Revoir |
none |
Samuel H. Blonger |
Mable Blonger |
none |
no known living descendants |
Frank H. Blonger |
none |

Michael Belonger |

Julia Belonger (Dunn) |
Agnes Dunn |
hundreds of living descendants |
John Dunn |
Catherine Dunn |
Mary Ellen Dunn (Foht) |
Michael Dunn |
Julia Dunn (Cottingham) |
Elizabeth Adeline Dunn (Hollander) |
Patrick William Dunn |
Ida Frances Dunn |
Bridget A. Dunn |
Loretta Dunn |
James M. Dunn |

Regina Magdalena Belonger (Purkapile) |
William Purkapile |
Mary E. Purkapile (Peacock) |
Regina K. Purkapile (Winder) |
Myrtle F. Purkapile (Weaver) (March) (Beeck) |
Evelyn Purkapile |
Leroy John Purkapile |
Anna Purkapile (Mundinger) |

Mary Augustine Belonger (Braley) |
John Michael Braley |
Mary Arminta Braley (Wunderl) |
Francis Morris Braley |
Elizabeth F. Braley (Rose) |
Joseph Orville Braley |
Ella Gertrude Braley (Powers) |

Ida May Belonger
(Whitechurch) |
George Whitechurch |
Mary Whitechurch (Cottingham) (Bledsoe) (Braaten) |
Louis Whitechurch |

John Michael Belonger |
none |

Frances Belonger (Bailey) |
Ray Bailey |
Anna Bailey |
Silas Bailey |
Marian Agnes Bailey (Roddick) (Nodorft) |

Ellen Belonger (Coulthard) |
Mary Coulthard (Armstrong) |
Ellen Coulthard (Keough) |
Helen Coulthard (Koester) |
Annie Coulthard |

Elizabeth Belonger |
(one story is that she married a man named John Cox and lived in Missouri) |

Bridget Belonger (Smith) (O'Rourke) |
Irene Smith (O'Connor) |
Harry Orville Smith |
Frances Emily Smith |
Theodore Robert Smith |
Veronica Smith (Bauer) (Noshkin) |
Elizabeth Frances O'Rourke (Rouse) |
Mary V. O'Rourke (Conrad) |
Wilbur Francis O'Rourke |

Clara Belonger |
none |
Elizabeth Belonger |
probably died unmarried |
probably none |
no known living descendants |
Joseph Blonger |
probably none |
probably none |
no known living descendants |

Louis Herbert Blonger |
none |
none |
no known living descendants |
Marvin E. Blonger |
Abbie Caroline Blonger (Kervin) |
Harold J. Kervin |
no known living descendants |
Edward Herbert Kervin |
Edward L. Blonger |
unknown |
Ollie Mae Blonger (Buick) |
Leila L. Buick (Renoud) |
Mary C. Blonger (Swinbank) |
Cora Frances Swinbank (Hill) |
Virgie T. Hill |
dozens of living descendants |
Elizabeth Swinbank (Rodham) |
Frederick C. Rodham |
Marion Rodham |
Charles E. Rodham |
E. Leone Rodham |
Thomas Simon Swinbank |
Gladys Maree Swinbank |
William G. Swinbank |
Everett Swinbank |
Wilfred Swinbank |
Joseph C. Swinbank |
Margie Swinbank |
Leroy Swinbank |
male Swinbank |
none |
Eugene Swinbank |
none |